Happy New Year! – 2019 Will Be The Best Year Ever!


Happy New Year everyone! 🎉

As we close 2018, do not focus on the negative energies that happened last year.  You do not want to bring this forth into 2019.

2019 is the year of rebirth, rejuvenation, reliving and rededication to yourself.

Focus on the positive energies that will propel you into being exactly what you were meant to be.

Focus on God.

Focus on yourself.

Focus on your health and fitness.

Focus on your mindset.

Focus on bringing your dreams into reality.

Focus on helping others.




The more you focus with intention, the more God, (or the Universe), hears and sees your thoughts and will help you in making 2019 the best year ever. ❤

Changing Our Self Talk


We are often our own worst critics.  We talk to ourselves sometimes in a way we wouldn’t dream of talking to anyone else.  We are often far harsher on ourselves than anyone else would want to be.  We beat ourselves mentally when we mess up.  When we slip up on our diet we just give up, tell ourselves it’s too hard.  Sometimes we let what other people say to and about us become our own personal reality.  If someone puts us down we mentally agree.

It’s time to stop that.

Life is hard sometimes.  We try our best, but sometimes we fall short.  We make mistakes.  We miss goals.  It’s called being human.

Just know you are worthy.  You deserve the best in life.  Stop putting yourself down.  If you make a mistake one day,  you can get it right the next day.  Or the day after that.  Be kinder to yourself.  Start treating yourself as you would treat a friend.  If you wouldn’t put your friend down then why put yourself down?

Just over two years ago I was overweight, diabetic and downright unhealthy.  I used to put myself down.  A lot.  I think I kind of hated myself for letting myself get where I was.  But little by little I made changes. I joined @MyFitnessPal and started running.

Running taught me a lot about myself.  I learned I’m stronger than I ever thought I was.  When your legs are burning and your body is screaming at you to stop but you keep going until you are done, that’s some serious mental strength.  I’m more determined, more driven than I’ve ever been about anything.  I turned my life, and my health, around.  The weight is off and my sugar numbers are much better now.  I’ve been off diabetes medication for over two years now.

You can change your life, too.  Start by changing your inner dialogue.  It won’t happen overnight.  You’ll still find yourself coming up with the same negative reaction.  But when you catch yourself, stop.  Say “No!  I’m better than this.  I DESERVE better than this.”

You deserve respect.  You deserve SELF respect . You are capable of far more than you can imagine.  You only need the will to try.

I wrote this because I am often my own worst critic.  I get down on myself about a lot of things.  It’s something I’ve had to work on.  I still find myself slipping into old habits.  But when I catch myself, I make a note of it and resolve to do better.  No harsh self-criticism.  Well, not nearly as much.  Hey, I’m still not perfect.   But I don’t expect to be.  I’m human, too.  But if I can do this, so can you.