Waking Up To My Purpose

Lately I’ve had the feeling that I’ve been sleep walking through most of my life. Just going through the motions with no real purpose. Every job I had had no purpose other than to pay the bills and keep a roof over my head. Sure, those things are important. But is that all there is to life. Get up, go to work to pay the bills. Go to bed. Maybe the odd vacation to give you a bit of fun. Then rinse and repeat. None of those jobs gave me any sense of satisfaction. None of those jobs were rewarding or enabled me to make a difference in someone else’s life.

This has all changed now.

The last few years have been a journey. I’ve been through weight gain and weight loss. I’ve been blessed to have been able to reverse type 2 diabetes…Something I’d heard about for years but never truly believed I could do. I nearly went blind. Thank God cataract surgery is so simple now.

I went through all this for a reason. This is the moment I have woken up to my Purpose. I went through all this so I could show others what is possible. There are so many people out there who are hurting, physically and emotionally. This is why I share my journey so much. To give HOPE to those who need it.

I may never know who’s life I touch. Who may begin their own journey to better health. Because good health is more valuable than money. And if I AM making a difference to others, then everything I went through was worth it.

This is why I share my story so much.

This is my PURPOSE. move mountains