A Lifestyle Change: The Key To Your Health

my goal

This time four years ago I went to the doctor for a check up. My A1C was 7.2 and the doctor wanted to put me on a second medication to get my diabetes under control. After doing research we found one of the COMMON side effects of this drug was liver damage!

Enough was enough. This was the trigger for me to start my weight loss journey. Now here I am 70 lbs lighter and off all medication for 3 and a half years.

Sometimes you need a trigger. Something to make you wake up and realize you have to change the things that are not good for you.

Or you can just decide to do it before you hit a crisis. I’m sure that doctor had no idea his “simple” decision to put me on another drug was going to be the catalyst for me to change my life so drastically. But I will always be grateful to him for giving me the kick I needed.

It’s easy to just take a pill to deal with what ails you. But often all you really need is a lifestyle change. Most drugs are designed to treat the symptoms, not the disease. After all, why would Big Pharma want to cure you? You’re no good to them if You’re not buying their product.

Most drugs are also not designed to be taken for a long period of time. So eventually You’re put on a stronger drug, or a second medication. More money for Big Pharma.

Changing your life isn’t easy. Old habits are hard to break. But with the right motivation you can do anything you set your mind to.

January is just around the corner. The month where we make new years resolutions. And just as quickly break them. But why wait until January. Today is Monday. The start of a new week. Make small changes that you can easily maintain. Small changes, over time, can add up to a big difference to your health. And to your life.

Never. Quit.

don't quit

Never quit.  Whatever you have started, keep pushing forward.

If you stumble, catch your footing and keep going.

If you fall, pick yourself up and keep going.

If you have to crawl, keep going.  Any progress, no matter how minimal, is better than just giving up.

You started this because you cared enough about yourself to get on this road.  Now care enough about yourself to carry on the journey. No matter how arduous it becomes.

One day you will be so grateful to yourself that you didn’t stop.

Until you reach that day… Keep. Going.