Do It For Yourself

Everything you do

This post is for everyone who is overweight, or who is on medication for high blood pressure or who is a type 2 diabetic.

I’m 50 years old and I’ve just run 8.25 miles. Not bad considering I only started running 3 years ago and for the first 47 years of my life I’ve never been particularly athletic, even when I was a skinny teen.

If I can do this, so can you.
I’ve been overweight for nearly half my life. I didn’t decide to do something about it until I turned 47.
The point of my writing this is it’s never too late to start. Age is nothing but an excuse. You are never too old to lose weight or get active. Today is Monday. The start of a new week. A new opportunity to make positive changes to your life.

I feel like I wasted 20 years of my life being overweight when I didn’t have to be. I was also diagnosed A type 2 diabetic and put on Metformin. Now I’m off all drugs forc3 years and my diabetes is under tight control. All this happened when I made up my mind to get active, to lose weight. When I found the motivation to change my life, it was actually pretty simple. But if I can inspire just one person to do what I have done, if just one person comes to me and says “because of you I’ve…” then what I went through in those 20 years wasn’t for nothing. There will be meaning to it.

It’s your body. It’s your life. It’s your choice. Do you want to be comfortable in your skin. Or do you want to feel the aches and pains of carrying extra weight. The back ache. The knee pain. The lack of energy. I’ve been through all that so I know how it feels.

I may be 50 but I feel better and healthier than I did when I was 40. Which isn’t hard, because that’s when I was my heaviest. Right now I am 67 lbs lighter than I was at age 40.

It’s up to you. All I can do is share my story. I can supply the inspiration. You have to bring the motivation and the dedication to get it done.

You can do this. I believe in you.

Nutrition For Life


I am living proof of this. I have been off the diabetes drug, Metformin, for almost 3 years now.  All because I made simple lifestyle changes through a healthier diet and becoming more active.

So many common illnesses are connected to our modern lifestyle.  High blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes etc.  Our bodies are designed to move.

With Big Pharma being so prolific on our televisions these days, it’s easy to think “I’ll just take a pill and everything will be ok.”  But most medications are not meant to be taken over a long period of time and can end up doing more harm than good.  Also, most medications are designed simply to treat the symptoms, not the cause.  I’m not saying Big Pharma is never the answer.  Some illnesses that are genetic can only be treated with drugs.

There are so many instances where living a healthier lifestyle can drastically improve and even reverse diseases.

I. Am. Living. Proof. Of. This.