It’s Never Too Late To Start


If you think you are too old to start again or why bother, I say ‘you are too young not to start again’.

After struggling with my weight since I was a teenager and trying everything – Slimfast, Weight Watchers, going to the gym, I was a human yo-yo. I would lose a little and then gain more.

In July 2015, after watching my husband Dave lose weight, taking up running, joining My Fitness Pal and getting off his diabetes meds, I decided to join him on our health journey.

I joined MFP, joined and went to the gym regularly and watched what I ate and took my Peak Performance Packs of vitamins and supplements.  In one year, I lost 75 lbs and went down 5 pant sizes!  I feel great and have more energy!

The point I am trying to make is that it’s never too late!  I started my health journey at the age of 47.

I am now 50 and feel and look better than I did at 30 and 40.

The journey never ends.  Since I have been stuck at the same weight for a year, two weeks ago I started a 6 week plan to re start my metabolism and drastically reduce carbs and sugar.  I can’t wait to weigh and measure myself tomorrow morning.  I am feeling fabulous now!

***Edited on Friday, March 30th to add that in the last two weeks on my new weight loss plan, I lost a total of 4.2 lbs and a total of 8 1/4 inches!  Yes, feeling like I am on fire!  

A Short Cooking Video

So we’re venturing into new territory.  I’m not really comfortable being on video, but vlogging seems to be the big thing and we’re looking to share our health journey so we’re probably going to be making more of these.  Future vids will be longer and, hopefully, better than this one.  We’ll call this one an experiment.

I’ve been thinking for a while that I need to upgrade my diet.  Good nutrition is vital to a healthy life.  We’re eating more whole foods now, and less carbs and upping our protein.  This is having a huge affect on my sugar levels.  I test my sugar an hour and two hours after eating and my sugar is amazingly stable.  The highest number was 108 and it’s averaging around 90 to 100.  As a type 2 diabetic, this is fantastic.  Since this is working so well I’m going to continue eating this way.  I will be sharing more of my experiences.

April is a huge month for me.  First, I will turn 50.  And I will be in the best shape and fitness of my life.  In fact I have a new hashtag ready to roll out…#FitAt50.   Also in April I will have been medication free for 3 years.  Big things are ahead and I will be sharing them right here.