Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life.


Everything starts with your mind. Anything that has ever been invented was visualized first.  The inventor had to think of his creation first, had to believe it was possible before it could be made reality.

In the same way, you create your reality by the way you think, the way you see yourself. If you’re not happy where you are, you have the power to change whatever it is. Whether it’s fitness / weight related, or finance or career.

The first thing you have to do is decide what you want to change. Then commit to making it happen. Then focus all your energy and thoughts on making what you want happen.

I wasn’t happy about my weight. I was also diabetic and on medication. This went on for several years. I wasn’t happy with who I was. But until I became motivated enough to do something about it, nothing changed. Then one day I’d had enough. I started walking daily. Walking led to running. I also joined a site called and started counting calories. I lost 60 lbs and now I’m the fittest I have ever been. Oh, and I’ve been off the diabetes drug, Metformin, for over two years. All this happened because I changed my mindset.

Change your mindset, change your life.

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